-post High Demand Religion- Soul Community

Join us as we connect back to the earth and our souls

Rewilding Hearts is a community for folkx devoted to their soul discovery post high demand religion or organizations. We hold space and support to hear each other with respect, love and compassion.

This monthly event is on Sun, Feb 23th 1-3:30pm and is donation based.

Where we share a oneness of nature connection

Meet other individuals who share a common background

Who want to cultivate their soul (spiritual) selves outside of a religious context


Rewilding hearts honors diversity in all its colors, creating a space for all

We believe that our souls are not bound by color, sexual orientation or age.

We welcome all adults 21+. We welcome LGBTQ+ and allies!

We collectively agree to create a safe space for individuals who have encountered spiritual trauma in high-control religions, 'spiritual cults,' MLM organizations, demanding work cultures, or other high-demand organizations.

In this community you'll...

Connect to the Earth

Remembering our Ancestral Roots cultivating lost skills.

Connect to your body wisdom

You are the ultimate healer. The power lies in your body/mind/soul connection.

Connect to other amazing souls

We heal in the power of community not in isolation.

Your Voice needs to be heard

"Religion gave us a template of who we were supposed to be and how to raise our children...Now we get to take that power back."

The process of discovering your authentic raw truth is part of rewilding back to the core of your heart. Over the years religion, cultural expectations and family belief systems all played a huge part in our identity and who we are today.

Rewilding Hearts is about nurturing your roots and allowing them to grow back into their natural state-the way your soul intended.

Taking your power back happens one day at a time, it requires awareness of all the programming, conditioning, and untruths that were once apart of your daily life. A supportive & loving tribe may be the missing piece you have been longing for.

Woman Dancing - Rewilding Hearts

FINALLY A group dedicated to deeply hearing each other

The answer is heart centered community connection.

And it’s done through truth telling, vulnerability, and compassion

Many feel disconnected to self, others, and the earth we live on. We may have grown up in a religion or organization that thrived on shame, secrets, and power.

We were taught that our worth was measured in how we kept the rules, requirements, and laws. This kept everyone stupidly busy and feeling not enough. Guilt & shame was the norm needing to confess "sins".

Once you have realized that High Demand Religion has been keeping you in a constant self abandoning loop, the only way out is to do the radical act of choosing to love your self.

Rewilding Hearts is about coming together as a community to honor the love of self, love of other and love of our earth. This new way is about repairing the destruction that has been done by the old Patriarchal ways to ourselves our families and our beloved Mother Earth.

We heal when we are able to express our stories and are held in love with community who can and will accept us. We understand that whatever pain one is feeling ripples out and as a community we hold each other in love and compassion.

This new way of being able to feel seen & heard in community around the fire is the vision for Rewilding Hearts.

And the best part?

You will leave feeling lit up and connected to new friends who "get you".

MEET Vanessa

Your Rewilding Hearts Facilitator

You might be asking yourself: “Who’s Vanessa?” and

"Why is she passionate about this?"

Leaving Mormonism was one of the most challenging experiences of my life. My faith transition coincided with my marriage ending and discovering I was pregnant with my fourth child. I spiraled into a dark night of the soul, overwhelmed by the weight of caring for my kids while my world fell apart. Many days, I felt paralyzed, lost, and even questioned if I could go on.

Everything began to change when I found mentors who truly understood what I was going through. They felt a similar pain, they held a similar story and I felt seen.

It’s been 10+ years since I left the LDS faith and religion. I have a deep understanding of this dismantling and rebuilding process and hold somatic healing sessions to support those on their journeys.

For the past decade, I’ve been able to:

  • Guide individuals through faith transitions, support those healing from from trauma and encourage them to find their inner strength.

  •  Lead healing circles, teach meditation and rewilding earth education practices.

  • I have 19 years in the healing arts starting first as a birth doula and currently as a shamanic arts practitioner.

I am a co-parenting Mama of 4 kids and 2 cats. I love to dance and sing while making food! Swaseys Beach: Green River, UT holds a very special place in my heart♡.

Event Details

Interested? I'd Love To See You There 💚

These In-Person Events are only once a month.


Sunday, February 23th


Bonneville Shoreline trail, above the Cemetery in Orem

& Vanessa's Home


1:00 - 3:30PM

Your questions, answered

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not local. Will you ever hold virtual group community sessions?

Yes! I plan on creating a virtual community once the time aligns. Possibly this summer.

Can I bring my children to In-Person events?

As of right now children will need to stay at home, except for babes in arms! In the future I would love to have children, teen and adult groups all coexisting at the same time. 🫶

I am looking for LDS Faith Transition Specialist, is that you?

Yes! I lead individuals through somatic healing sessions both virtually and in-person! If you would like more info please check out my website: www.awakeningintegration.com

How often do you hold these events?

In person events will be once a month! However, I am open to meeting twice a month. Once on a Sunday and also a Tuesday evening.

Awakening Integration Somatic Healing

Copyrights 2025 | Rewilding Hearts